
Collab part 1

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Laic sat quietly in her chambers, the smell of incense and candles strong in the air while she meditated. She sat cross legged apon a large pillow made especially for her meditations. They would be arriving at the rendezvous point with the Moshathra soon and she wanted to make some final preparations before they arrived. Her eyes closed, she focused her mind to become one with Cetanu. She had disabled everything that could possibly disrupt her while she worked. But a sudden sharp clanging at her portal caused her snarl to angrily. Who dare intrude on her meditations so impetuously! "Come!" she growled, fully prepared to tear off the arm of whoever had interupted her. She stood and turned, she was wearing nothing but a medallion around her neck, to see the wrech.

But she calmed when she saw it was ship's counselor, F'lar. She rather liked the small and frail appearing male. Many called him an ooman with a pretty face, she could see how he had recieved that nickname. I remember hearing he had some kind of decease, she thought quietly to herself. She looked down at him as he came into her spacious chambers. "What it is F'lar? The skull outside my portal clearly showed that I did not want to be disturbed." When she was meditating or just didn't want to be bothered, she placed a unpainted ooman skull in a sconce beside her portal in the hall. When she was accepting visitors, a elaborately painted and carved skull sat in its place.

F'lar nodded and bowed in appology. "The Leader requires your presence in the War Room, High Preistess. He said it was of great importance and since it seems he could not summon you through normal means, he sent me to escort you there." He had deduced on his way there that she had probably turned all of her communicators off, which made his job that much harder because she obviously did not want to go anywhere or see anyone.

She just stared at the male for a moment. It must be important if Gr'kek was willing to risk my wrath on F'lar, she thought, looking at him closely. She supposed she could delay her ceremony. She quickly snatched a short robe of deep purple coloring and threw it on.

As she followed the brisk pace the little male set, she took note of those around her, as was her habit. Many yautja called the Dachande home. Females and males alike of all ages and types walked the halls and busied themselves with various tasks. As they passed the mess hall, she noted Lintar sitting quietly alone at a corner table, a hot drink of some kind steaming in his hands.

Lintar was one of the elder sons of the great warrior Dachande. He had receaved this very ship on the day of his blooding. But as his years of life increased and successful hunts becoming fewer and fewer, he passed on his ship to the youngest of his sons; Gr'kek. Lintar swelled with pride every time he heard his son giving orders or the loud cheers of a successful hunt due to his leadership. Lintar's sense of sight had faded over the years and he could barely see, but he is still highly respected and his wisdom appreciated. He must have sensed her presence as he often does, for he nodded respectfully in her direction. Those who did not know him would think he was probably dozing off, but she knew better. She nodded in return, although she knew he could not see the gesture.

When they reached the War Room, all those of importance were present. The Leader sat in a large throne-like chair at the head of the hologram table, the others of rank arrayed in chairs beside him. His brother, Gr'ka stood behind and to the right of him. Laic took her place at his emmediate left, beside Tituga, the Matriarch of the ship. To Gr'kek's right sat Tal'merc, his second in command. Next to him sat Hexin, head pilot and next to Tituga sat  Sar’idikk, the intelligence officer. Laic noted that Tal's ooman female stood behind him. I wonder what she's doing here? she thought. F'lar took his seat next to Hexin and all was quiet for the Leader to speak.

Gr'kek flexed his mandibles in thought before beginning. He eyed everyone in attendance and nodded toward Laic. "Your presence is greatly appreciated, High Priestess. I thought you would like to have part in the decisions to be made here." She nodded simply and he continued. "It has been some time since our first encounter with the genetically altered Kainde Amedha created by the foolish ooman scientists." Everyone nodded, remembering that horrible event, Laic especially. She unconsciously brought a hand up to touch the broken nihkou'te that had been taken by one of those foul demons. Ryo, the ooman female, remembered it with mixed emotions.

Gr'kek waited a few moments before proceeding. "Well, it seems we may have another chance at vengeance once more. It seems that the device inside the ooman scientist they hold prisonor has been reactivated." He nodded slightly toward Sar'idikk. She touched a console attached to the table and a panaramic hologram of the galaxy they were currently displayed itself over the table. The Intelligence officer rose and, touching a few key spaces on the console, displayed points of red light in certain places, some moving. "We are currently, here and the rendezvous with Torachande is here." She said, indicating the lights which represented the two. She touched the panel again to change the hologram to show a much brouder view of the holographic universe. Far from their current position, a point of light flashed urgently. "That is where our prey lies. Their position has not moved since we became aware of it." She turned off the hologram and sat back in her seat, nodding to the leader.

Hexin stood and smashed a fist into his palm. "We should go after them! This may be our last chance to hunt those abominations." His  Mei'hswei had been killed by one of the inteligent creatures. Tituga and Tal'merc voiced their agreement. "We may never get another chance." Tituga said, her mandibles twitching. "Yes, and the beacon may deactivate any time." Tal said, glancing back at Ryo who's expression was unreadable at the moment.

Gr'kek sat back in his throne. He most desperately wanted to go after their elusive prey. Creatures such as they did not belong amongst the living. He looked over at Laic who sat quietly, her eyes closed. He guessed she was in a trance of some kind, trying to find their right coarse of action. He was glad he had decided to have her in attendence. The others were already talking about battle preparations when she finally opened her eyes.

"We will not pursue the Brood. We are on a mission and it must be completed to its end." Laic said calmly. Everyone looked at her surprised, thinking the proud priestess would leap at the chance to seek revenge on the one who took her beautifuly carved nihkou'te. Gr'kek nodded approvingly.

"The High Priestess is right. We must not forget about our current task. Your wisdom is great." he placing his hand to his chest. Laic crossed her arms over her ample chest and nodded.

Hexin nearly leapt onto the table in anger. "Make them wait! Surely Torachande would understand our delay if it was in the name of vengeance." Gr'kek glared at his pilot's outburst. He nodded inperceptively to Tal who stood and shoved Hexin back into his seat before sitting back in his chair. "Don't presume such things Hexin. It would be unwise to make an entire ship wait for us. More important things could be done while they sit and drift, waiting for a ship that may never come. Our last battle with the Brood nearly ended us all." Hexin sank back into his chair, feeling like a youngling scolded by its mother.

Gr'kek stood and addressed them all once more. "Then it is decided. We will continue on our coarse to the rendesvous with the Moshathra." He glanced at the sulking pilot for moment. "Then, if the beacon is still active, we will pursue the Brood. Dismissed." They all stood and placed their fists apon their chests in respect to the leader and departed, each going their own way.
As Laic returned to her chambers and tossed the impromptu garment across a chair made of the bones of some otherworldy creature, she thought of the days events. She sat cross legged apon her pillow once more and closed her eyes to continue her meditations. They would be arriving in a few hours and she didn't want to be unprepared.

I couldn't think of a good title for this. ^^; I suck at that kind of thing. This is part of a big collab between me, Torachande, Rachael, and Sporkey.

My writing skills are not that great. So if this is kind of crappy, sorry about that. XD There isn't too much going on in this, just a bit going on on the ship right before they meet the Moshothra.
© 2005 - 2024 Peanuttie
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Starrweaver's avatar
I had to come back to this to let you know that I'm going to sorta skewer a time line and add the fact that I'll have Torachande on the ship. Already asked if I could use the old timer for the story... so I'll be having him on board for the big battle.

I didn't mention him in the meeting as I left it open, stating that there were several honored there. But didn't go into detail since the person looking around the room making note of those there, may or may not have recalled their name - even if she knew them vaguely...

So there's another chapter coming, yes... perhaps more than one. Since one of them was a deadly fight, it's taken some time to work out.

But also getting diagnosed with breast cancer, among other medical problems has sort of slowed down my production. Fatigue is a pain, pain killers don't kill pain... they knock me out... so I've been forced to sleep so I can heal.

Two surgeries, lots of labs, CT scans and there's still more testing yet to go... Can't have chemo or radiation due to the fact I'm too ill to be poisoned further. They'd kill the cancer but most likely kill me too with the treatments...

So I'm working on improving my general health, looking into alternative, less deadly therapies that can help me...

But get ready for a few new chapters in the Yautja soap opera: CotD: Chapters 5 + are coming soon...